Welcome To
Nettie Has Alopecia, 

an inspiring series of children's books.

Author Bio:
      Author Bio: Runnette (Nettie) was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to two southern parents, Annie and Samuel. She has ten brothers and sisters. Nettie attended public schools in Philadelphia and later attended the Community College of Philadelphia. When it was snowing, raining, or really cold outside, Nettie loved reading novels and books of poems, especially those written by Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou, to name a few of her favorites. Nettie always loved writing stories from a young age, but she didn't share them with others. As she matured, Nettie focused on being a great mother to her two beautiful daughters and a wonderful grand mom to her little darlings. One important thing about her is that she has a condition called Alopecia Areata, which she's had since she was young. Today, Nettie wants to write books that make kids and grown-ups feel inspired, happy, and more understanding about Alopecia. She wants everyone to know that it's okay and normal. In short "Nettie has Alopecia" is a special book to her, and the first of a series of books to come. she hopes it helps kids and grown-ups learn about Alopecia and not feel different 


red apple fruit on four pyle books